
Book Club: Man's Searching for Meaning - Victor E. Frankl

What is it that makes a human have this tendency to make it all about her or himself? To think that everything in this world is revolving around us. To assume that we are the most suffering human being on this planet earth. To win the pitiful competition to find out who has the biggest problem. And then doing nothing to make it better for themselves. Going around in vicious circle of stressing nothing. Yes, I am talking about myself. This past couple of months I am trying to reflect and get it straight that everything that is happening right now is not about me. Yes, I feel miserable, but guess what, it is not just me. Sometimes this simple way of thinking seems so difficult to grasp when my head is clouded. 

That is why I decided to picked up Man's Searching for Meaning by Victor Frankl. It was much needed to be honest. I was not looking for inspirational quotes or sugarcoated phrases, but a genuine experience of someone in the moment of her/his struggle. I wanted to feel connected as a human and Victor Frankl has done it. Through this memoir, Victor Frankl, a Psychiatrist told his experience when he was in concentration camp and exploring the meaning of suffering. The storytelling of his extreme condition is somehow humanly relatable. He, psychiatrist himself cannot always help himself in every difficult situation (mentally) he faced. I could sense the raw feeling of desperation that human being could muster at that time that it made me cry in almost of the description how is life in concentration camp. That it makes me reflect and not bitc*ing or complaining about life all the time.
"Yet, it is possible to practice the art of living in a concentration camp"
I will give three pint five stars out of five for this book. The storytelling is superb however the second part of the book that discuss about the concept of logotherapy is too much repetition of the same jargons and a bit overwhelming honestly with psychology 's term. 

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