Showing posts with label skincare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skincare. Show all posts


avoskin retinol toner review, skincare untuk jerawat
 Agak telat gak sih baru coba toner retinol dari Avoskin? Udah banyak denger banyak review bagus sebenernya tentang seri produk ini, tapi gak tau ya kemarin-kemarin masih ragu banget. Akhirnya, coba beli tonernya aja karena masih pemula pakai retinol ini. Langsung aja ke poinnya sih ya, gue suka dan puas sama hasilnya yg wow kok bisa cepet ya? 

Oke, omongin dari kemasan dulu kali ya. Gak ada yang spesial sih, persis sama seri yang refiningnya. Yang gue suka dari kemasannya adalah bagian "penghalang", jadi produk yang kepakai bener2 bisa secukupnya aja gak langsung keluar banyak. Makanya walaupun ukuran 20 ml, pemakaiannya bisa hemat banget. Jadi jangan khawatir sih belini ukuran kecil ini untuk coba walaupun harganya lumayan buat botol sekecil ini.

Pemakaian pertama, gue bener-bener skip toner dan serum yg biasa dipakai (toner avoskin hyacross, serum bloomka vit. b3/avoskin alpha arbutin yg ungu). Jadi beneran cuma pakai toner retinol ini aja dan moisturizer. First impression sumpah gue langsung suka, tonernya bikin lembab banget dan gue gak ada rasa panas, gatal, atau semacamnya sih. Dan besok pagi jerawat gue yang merah, langsung muncul white head. Pemakaian kedua (besoknya) juga sama cuma pakai toner retinol dan pelembab sampai seterusnya dalam 5 hari. Gak ada reaksi buruk. Yang gue rasakan beruntusan di area pipi dan jidat mulai ilang. wow. Minggu kedua, gue mulai pakai serum lagi yg avoskin alpha arbutin. Dan gak nimbulin efek apapun sih. Oh iya gue pakainya malem aja, soalnya kalau pagi biasanya untuk pakai toner BHA. 

Untuk efek kerutan gue kurang perhatiin karena emang tujuan awal beli ini untuk mengurangi tekstur beruntusan yang gak tau kenapa gak hilang-hilang, sampai akhirnya pakai toner ini. beneran ampuh untuk tekstur. gimana untuk jerawat? dia bantu jadi cepet keluar white headsnya dan kalau yang gue perhatikan toner ini gak bantu ngempesin ukuran jerawatnya ya. kalau bekas jerawat gimana? hmm belum keliatan sampai hari ini gue post tulisan ini. 

Oke sekian hahaha gue males bgt panjang-panjang tapi semoga idk bisa bantu mempertimbangkan kalo ada yang mau coba. 


jumisoo serum

It's been around four to five years that I'm having a solid skincare routine, the basic one: membersihkan (pembersih muka), melembapkan (pelembab), melindungi (spf), dan step ekstra yaitu toner dan serum. Untuk serum, aku pun udah masukan bahan-bahan aktif seperti niacinamide, bakuchiol, alpha arbutine. Terus lama-lama mikir kayanya mau naik level dan pakai/coba bahan aktif lainnya. Akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk coba serum vitamin c. Banyak ulasan dari beberapa following Twitter yang suka banget dengan hasil pemakaian serum vitamin c, terutama kalau dipakai di pagi hari terus yang pasti sama sunscreen. Jadi bikin glowing! Kemudian aku juga lagi butuh produk yang bantu memudarkan/mencerahkan bekas jerawat gelap. Sampai pada akhirnya, aku pilih untuk coba serum dari merek korea, Jumisoo. Kenapa Jumiso?


The quest of finding a good product to solve my breakout is still on. Setelah stres dan melalui tahap jerawat aktif muncul ke permukaan, masuklah ke tahap untuk ilangin bekas-bekasnya.  Di postingan kali ini pun gue masih akan mengulas produk lokal! Produk ini kayanya udah gak asing lagi, apalagi bagi yang aktif di komunitas skincare/beauty Twitter maupun Tiktok, [serum viral lokal untuk bikin glowing]. Yap, yaitu serum Nutrishe Intensive Bright & Glow.


Bloomka Anti-Acne Kit

Jerawat tuh kayanya memang masalah universal, yang hampir semua manusia di muka bumi pernah alami. Seenggaknya sekali lah dalam hidup, iya kan? Begitu juga dengan aku yang padahal semasa remaja jarang banget jerawatan parah, hoki kan. Tapi namanya juga hoki haha ilang deh. Sekarang umur aku 22-an baru deh syok dapet jerawat yang tiba-tiba banyak, merah, sakit, gak-ilang-ilang. Iya gak ilang-ilang karena bekasnya pun masih dalam proses untuk sembuhin sampai sekarang. Di sisi positifnya, aku jadi ketemu sama skincare-skincare lokal untuk dibicarakan/diulas dan juga belajar gak males melakukan skincare. Jadi, di post kali ini, aku akan ulas beberapa produk lokal yang bantu aku ketika jerawat lagi puncaknya banget.  


 Erha Skin Barrier Moisturizer

This post is a dedication for me and for you who loves skincare. I finally came up with another beauty review. This one is a moisturizer and a local brand! I noticed that Indonesian local brands in the beauty industry are growing fast and significant, the quality is on par with Korean skincare products I tried. This one is from Erha/Erhalogy. You guys are familiar right with Erha? This is not their prescription skincare that you got from their clinics. So everyone could buy it from their store (online/offline). I bought it online. 

These past couple of months I tried many skincare of local goodness, mainly that have natural ingredients or made for sensitive skin. I don't have sensitive skin, but since I'm battling with a red and painful breakout I thought I won't risk making my acne angry or irritate them. 

*Packaging: It comes with a plastic tube that is a plus because it keeps the product and the use of it more hygienic and easier than a jar packaging. It is also small and light, convenient for traveling. And I think it is fit to put in most of our makeup pouch. The product itself is 30 gr.

*Texture: It has a gel texture that surprises me considering this is for dry skin. Usually, dry skin moisturizer has a thick and creamy texture, but this one is quite the opposite. So light that somedays I feel it's not hydrating enough for my normal to dry skin. Since it has a light and easy to absorb texture, people with other skin types could also use this product. I saw my Twitter following who has combination skin also uses this product and they love it too! In fact, they are the ones that convinced me to buy this product.

And how is it under sunscreen or foundation? I don't have any complaints or problems regarding this. I tried it several times under the foundation or sunscreen (I use Maybelline fit me and L'oreal matte sunscreen) and it didn't patchy on my skin, still gliding smoothly. 

Ceramide complex, PHA, zinc PCA moisturized and strengthen the skin barrier 
Niacinamide, allantoin dan DPG anti-inflammation prevent and help irritation and have a soothing effect 
Vitamin E as anti-oxidant
No fragrance

OK and how about the effect on my skin? Yes, I did feel the moisturized effect it still a good one even though as I mentioned somedays I need more help with hydration, so sometimes I add face oil to my routine. The soothing effect didn't show up instantly especially on my red acnes, they are still red after the application. What I noticed is helps with redness on my chin. I had breakout there too, mostly whiteheads, and I picked on them, cause the redness afterward. And niacinamide, everybody's favorite is in the ingredients list even though it's not the top ingredients. I did not see the dramatic changes in my dark spot honestly, maybe because the percentage is not high on the list.  Oh also, take a note, some people reviewed that they felt a tingling or hot sensation on their faces the first time they used it. But it's ok afterward. For me, I didn't feel it at all.

*Price: 89.000 - 90.000 on their Shopee official store.

Yap, that's all for my thoughts on Erha moisturizer. I give 4.5/5 stars for it. 0,5 for the lack of moisturizing on my dry skin days.

P.s: This post is also a dedication to my first photoshop illustration above. I just learned on how to use a pen tool.


Etude House is known for its affordable products and that is why it is popular among students or young adults. For the quality itself I never complain about it, it is pretty good considering the price. I love their water tint and their eyebrow pencil and still using it until this day.

Today I want to share my thoughts about a skincare products from Etude House, it is their moisturizer from their Moistfull Collagen line. I already finished up the products so it is honest thoughts after trying the product itself. Let's start with the price. You could check out from their website (here). It is 20.40 USD but i bought it from an online shop for 180,000 IDR. I thought it is kind of expensive when i ordered it but when it came the size of the product is huge, so price wise it is good.

And how did the product works for me? When i bought it my face was in its driest condition. Straight to the point it didn't as hydrating as i would think. It has a gel consistency so  i guess it aims for normal and oily skin. It is really fast to absorb into my skin and not greasy.

The thing that is really bothered me is the smell. I;m no someone really bothers with smell of the skincare products easily but this one does. 

My conclusion is this is a good moisturizer for you guys with normal to oily but careful if you are sensitive with fragrance or alcohol. I could tell from the smell the alcohol is quite strong. Repurchase? Nope.